Adjudicators: Maria Pride & Sharon Morgan

Any two monologues of play/plays or suitable prose. 8 minutes are allowed for the entire presentation which includes stage set-up and clearance. One of the monologues must be out of a Welsh play. One original piece is allowed if desired but the two pieces must be contrasting.

See Special Conditions 3, 4 and 5 of this section

Prize: Richard Burton Memorial Medal a £500 (Sir Gareth Rhys Williams, er cof am fy hen-hen daid, Alaw Goch, a fu’n rhan o’r Eisteddfod yn Aberdâr yn 1861, a’i fab oedd ar y pwyllgor ym Mhontypridd yn 1893. Mae’n bleser parhau â’r traddodiad o gefnogi’r Brifwyl)

General rules and conditions


Special conditions for this section