Adjudicators: Rebecca Evans & Rhian Williams

These scholarships were set up to promote vocal music for soloists in Wales. The scholarships, held for a year, are awarded to the most promising competitor in a special competition to enable them to follow a vocal training course at a recognised music school or college. The scholarships are open to any person born in Wales or one of whose parents were born in Wales, or any person who has lived or worked in Wales for the three years prior to 31 August 2024, or any person who can speak or write Welsh.

The competitors will be expected to prepare a programme of no more than 15 minutes. The programme must include one song by a Welsh composer from the twentieth century or the current century, and every song must be sung in Welsh. Competitors will not be able to change their original choice of songs after 15 June 2024. The Eisteddfod will provide an accompanist for this competition, but competitors have the right, if they wish, to bring their own accompanists.

The adjudication panel may withhold the scholarships or divide them between more than one winner if needed. See General Rules and Conditions.

The Eisteddfod will consider offering performance opportunities to the winner of the scholarship at a future festival.


  • W Towyn Roberts Scholarship, in memory of his wife, Violet Jones, Nantclwyd, and William Park-Jones Scholarship and £5000 (Darran Evans a Lisa Morris, er cof am eu rhieni David a Barbara Evans, Cwmaman, a'u modryb, Afonwy Owen, a oedd yn rhan o'r genhedlaeth hollbwysig a fu'n frwd i'w plant gael addysg Gymraeg, er na chawson nhw'r cyfle. Roedd y tri'n ymwneud â gweithgareddau diwylliannol a cherddorol yng Nghwm Cynon ar hyd eu hoes)
  • £3000
  • £1000
  • £500


General rules and conditions


Special conditions for this section