Adjudicators: Julian Wilkins, Katie Thomas & Lyn Davies

Any combination of voices with no fewer than 20 members, to present two contrasting pieces to take no more than 10 minutes, and to include a piece by a Welsh composer. Choirs can also choose to perform an arrangement of a Welsh folk song by a Welsh composer. Choirs will not be permitted to sing the same song in another category during the Eisteddfod.

Entry to this competition is permitted after competing in two local eisteddfodau between 1 May 2023 and 1 May 2024. The local eisteddfodau must be mentioned when registering for this competition.


  • Cwpan Miss Menai Williams a Mrs Nesta Davies to be held for a year. Gwilym E Humphreys [Cymrawd yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol] Memorial Medal to be presented to the conductor of the winning choir and £500 (Côr Godre’r Garth, er cof am aelodau annwyl a gollwyd)
  • £300
  • £200


General rules and conditions


Special conditions for this section