Adjudicator: David Hayward

Own choice no longer than 15 minutes, and with a minimum of three items.


  • Her-gwpan Ivor James to be held for a year a £500 (Roy Noble, i ddatgan cefnogaeth i fandiau pres, sy'n annog pobl ifanc ac yn cynnig offerynnau am ddim, ac i ddathlu cysylltiad dwfn a hanesyddol y bandiau gyda'r dosbarth gweithiol)
  • £300
  • £200


The winning band in this section will be invited to represent Wales at the Championship Section of the following year’s European Youth Brass Band Championships. The 2024 Championships will take place in Norway

If the winning band has already qualified from the previous year’s EYBBC, the runner-up will also qualify

  1. All Youth Brass Bands must be made up of standard British brass band in terms of instrumentation. Bands may play a maximum of 50 players, including percussion
  2. Bands participating in the contest may be established youth bands, school bands or county/regional bands
  3. Players should be aged 21 years or under at 1st January 2024 (this ensures that all players will be eligible to play in the following year’s EYBBC)
  4. Bands will perform a programme of music of their own choice, not exceeding 15 minutes
  5. All programmes must include at least three pieces, which may include one piece which features a soloist from the band

General rules and conditions


Special conditions for this section