Adjudicators: Charlie Lovell-Jones, Dean Wright, Huw Warren, Kathryn Rees & Meurig Bowen

Present a programme of one or more pieces. The complete programme should be no longer than 12 minutes. Each contestant is responsible for his or her own accompaniment. Live accompaniment or on a soundtrack is allowed. No official accompanist is provided.


  • Instrumental Blue Riband 16 and under 19, £2,000 (£1,500 Ysgoloriaeth Leslie Wynne-Evans; £500 Ysgoloriaeth Rachael Ann Thomas) to be used to further the winner’s career as a musician a £75 (Geraint Davies a Susan Lewis, er cof am John Haydn Davies Arweinydd Côr Meibion Treorci)
  • £50 (Rhys a Trish Huws, i goffau bywyd cerddorol pentref Ynys-y-bwl ganol y ganrif ddiwethaf)
  • £25


General rules and conditions


Special conditions for this section