Eisteddfod sign on the Maes

We're looking for officers for the Executive Committee, and members and officials for our various local committees as well as a team to work across the region, which includes south Ceredigion and parts of Carmarthenshire to raise awareness and funds to make the Eisteddfod project and festival a great success. Join the team!

Nominate yourself or someone else as an official for the Executive Committee.  Tick the relevant box and add all the relevant details listed on the form.

Please note: Our Executive Committee meetings are held in Welsh, so you'll be able to chat confidently in Welsh and will feel comfortable chairing meetings and discussing Eisteddfod matters in our language.  You’ll also be a strong supporter of the aims of Cymraeg 2050 to see one million Welsh speakers and double the daily use of our language by 2050. 

Closing date for nominations: 17:00, Friday 19 October.

Need more information or a chat?  Get in touch.

  • Current Executive committee
  • Culture
  • Strategy
  • Your details
  • Cwblhau
The Chair of the Executive Committee is the public face of the Eisteddfod locally, leading the project on behalf of our local volunteers. They also represent the festival on a number of committees and groups during the project
The Deputy Chair (Strategy) chairs the local Strategy Board, which includes volunteering, community development, marketing, local engagement, visitor experience, legacy etc. and represents these elements on the Executive Committee
The Deputy Chair (Culture) chairs the local Culture Board, including the competitive (including the list of competitions) and artistic elements of the festival (including the programme across the Maes), representing these areas on the Executive Committee
The Local Fund Chair is responsible for fund and awareness raising across the region and chairs the Local Fund Board, which includes representatives from all the local target committees, reporting back on fund and awareness raising in the Executive Committee
The Secretary is responsible for minuting and communicating meeting details to members throughout the year, and for ensuring that all targets and decisions are delivered on time
Job description: Chair of the Executive Committee (scroll down for English version) Download
Job description: Deputy Chair (Strategy) (scroll down for English version) Download
Job description: Chair of the Local Fund (scroll down for English version) Download
Job description: Deputy Chair (Culture) (scroll down for English version) Download
Job description: Secretary (scroll down for English version) Download