'Llond Llaw’ is Los Blancos through and through, self-deprecating and always creatively honest. It’s an absolute rejection of narcissistic elements which exist in today’s society.

The album was inspired to some extent by a collection of short stories by Matthew Baker, and specifically the quote: "Welcome, dear visitor, to a proud and storied nation. When you put down this guidebook, look around you. A nation isn't land, a nation is people."

While their first album 'Sbwriel Gwyn’ deals with themes relating to their personal concerns and the complications of the world, 'Llond Llaw' conveys a band that is in a much more comfortable place, with stories and anecdotes about the characters around them. 

This is a collection of 13 tracks that tell personal stories, sincere words and wise comments - with each member of the band contributing to shaping those stories.

Although their raw energy and infectious passion is still evident on their second album, 'Llond Llaw' shows clear progress in their development as a band. Similar to Bukowski, Kerouac or Tom Waits, Los Blancos see the good in the bad and the beauty in the imperfect.