Adjudicators: Bethan Glyn, Cefin Campbell & Mark Morgan

You can either nominate yourself or a tutor or other individual can nominate a learner on the Eisteddfod website, Open to any learner over 18, who feels quite confident speaking Welsh.

Please include the following details:

  • family and interests
  • reasons for learning Welsh
  • how the person learnt Welsh
  • effect of learning Welsh on the learner’s life and their daily use of our language
  • hopes for the future

The semi-final round to be held virtually in partnership with the National Centre for Learning Welsh.

Closing date for applications: 1 May 2024

Prize: Tlws Dysgwr y Flwyddyn (Menter Iaith Rhondda Cynon Taf) and £300 (Lowri Jones a Rhuanedd Richards, i ddiolch i’w rhieni am fynd ati i ddysgu Cymraeg fel oedolion, ac i ddiolch i bawb arall sydd wedi dysgu’r iaith, neu sicrhau bod eu plant yn cael addysg Gymraeg er nad ydyn nhw’n siarad Cymraeg eu hunain) for the winner; a trophy (Menna Davies, er cof am thad, Meirion Lewis, cyn-bennaeth Ysgol Gymraeg Ynys-wen, ei mam, Clarice Lewis a’i chwaer, Mair) and £100 each for all finalists (£300 Lowri Jones a Rhuanedd Richards) A year’s subscription to Golwg for the four finalists. We are grateful to Merched y Wawr for their gifts to the finalists. The winner will be invited to join the Gorsedd and the Eisteddfod’s Learners’ Panel. 

The Welsh Learner of the Year session in Maes D is sponsored by Cwmni Cyfieithu Nico

Welsh Learner of the Year application/nomination form

General rules and conditions


Special conditions for this section