Tŷ Gwerin

TwmpDaith is a Welsh ceilidh supergroup.

The band consists of nine young musicians and dancers from all over Wales, brought together through Welsh Arts Council funded project – “Prosiect WYTH”, to promote traditional Welsh dancing. The TwmpDaith name comes from the Welsh words “Twmpath” = Welsh Ceilidh + “Taith” = Journey.

Inspired by a similar project in Scotland called the Ceilidh Trail, the TwmpDaith project has handpicked, trained and moulded the group into a vibrant, enthusiastic twmpath band.

The project has empowered the youngsters to play, call, perform items and host workshops and twmpaths suitable for all ages and abilities.

TwmpDaith 2023 was piloted last summer with the band touring village halls and festivals all over Wales, ending with one of Tŷ Gwerin’s highlights in Boduan, which left the yurt literally bouncing!
TwmpDaith 2024 sees a brand-new set of musicians and dancers from across Wales. All as talented with their feet as they are with their instruments and voices. Their youthful enthusiasm, boundless energy and lively Welsh tunes will without a doubt have everyone up and dancing in no time.
Don’t miss TwmpDaith for an infectious injection of Welsh folk dancing, Welsh clogging, and Welsh tunes!

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