
Self-selected programme of up to 12 minutes including an unaccompanied piece and a piece by a Welsh composer. The two elements can be combined to include an unaccompanied piece by a Welsh composer


  • Cwpan OR Owen (Owen Gele) to be held for a year. Hilda Morgan Memorial Medal to be held for a year to be presented to the conductor of the winning choir. & £750 (Penri Williams, gan y teulu er cof am Carol Williams, Hendre, Pentyrch)
  • £500 (Côr Philharmonic Caerdydd, i nodi bod y côr wedi cychwyn fel Côr Eisteddfod Caerdydd, 1978, wrth i'r côr ddod i ben)
  • £300 (Cor yr Einion, Côr yr Einion Efail Isaf, Pontypridd)

Adjudicators: Lyn Davies, Stephen Jackson & Katie Thomas